Year: 1
Semester: 2
Lecturer: Prof. Annamaria Variato
Hours: 48
The module explores the traditional issues of macroeconomics (GDP, employment, interest rates, exchange rates, and prices), focusing on the systemic interaction between real and financial aspects in a dynamic perspective. This choice represents an important advance with respect to basic macroeconomics perspective, which is usually static and/or implies independence between the real and financial dimension of the economy.
The course method includes both theoretical exploration meant at linking each topic to the underlying macro-economic visions (i.e., different interpretative schools of thought) and technical discussion to clarify the reasons for the use of particular quantitative tools in macroeconomic modeling.
Course objective: to provide the interpretative basis for explaining the systemic role of finance and its relationship with instability, risk, and sustainability.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
The student should also acquire valuable critical knowledge to design a theoretical framework or empirical model for their research in the systemic field (specific attention to stability/instability and sustainability/inclusiveness).
The course is conceived in continuity and complementarity with the disciplines suggested in the study plan.
In continuity with microeconomics and/or in a complementary way to behavioral economics, it addresses:
Thematic area 1: rationality and information in macroeconomics
In continuity, with basic macroeconomics and monetary economics, it addresses:
Thematic area 2: role of money and finance, impact on dynamics
The module in continuity with the other upstream and downstream courses in other disciplines (not necessarily related to economics) addresses:
Thematic area 3: technical dimension and orientation to the development of implementable models for economic policy
The course mainly refers to traditional lectures that provide a logical structure for the topics that make up the course, emphasize each topic's essential concepts and methods, and provide relevant examples to which the concepts and techniques are applied. The discussion will be highly encouraged, and reading in advance strongly recommended. Students will do tutorials and homework exercises for self-evaluation and autonomous learning. Group presentations maybe also are organized upon student's request. In this case, the groups will consist of 4 students at most, and each group will be allocated a paper on which they are to make a 40-minute presentation.
The final evaluation will consist of two parts:
Students who give a presentation during the course, will be exempted from part of the final exam. Weight on the final evaluation: 1/2. Specifically, the reduction will involve half of the first part (residual weight 1/6) and half of the second part (only one question instead of two, residual weight 1/3).