Career opportunities | UniBG Economics & Finance

Career opportunities

What can you do after the master degree in Economics and Finance?

The master degree in Economics and Finance can open many doors to graduates who are eager to start a career in finance. Successful students will be prepared for the following high-profile career opportunities:

Financial economist

Financial economists are experts of the economic and financial systems, both at the micro and macro level. They are able to develop empirical analysis, by using advanced statistical and econometrics methods, and have the economic knowledge to interpret the results. They have the skills to carry out theoretical and empirical research activities in a digital and green perspective in many fields, such as fields: financial markets, sustainable finance, and economic growth.


Employers include:
Research centers, consulting companies, competition and markets authorities, national and international agencies (e.g. ministries, central banks and European Union institutions), universities, non-profit organizations, economic press agencies.

Risk manager

Risk managers are experts of risk assessment and management of financial and insurance products. Knowing the international regulatory frameworks for the finance and insurance sector, they have the methodological knowledge to identify, describe, estimate and handle the financial and insurance risks. They also have the skills to report to different audiences and in the appropriate way, the concept of risk and the corresponding management strategies.


Employers include:
Consulting companies, supervisory authorities, insurance companies and financial intermediaries, fund managing companies.

Graduates in Economics and Finance have also the possibility to take the state exam to become an actuary (

Financial analysts

Financial analysts are experts of risk management and investment strategies. They have the methodological knowledge to design, evaluate and manage financial portfolios, evaluating and reporting all the connected risks.  They have the skills to develop and implement statistical and mathematical models for financial data analysis, risk assessment and portfolio optimization. 


Employers include:
Banks, insurance companies, financial intermediaries, supervisory authorities, consulting and auditing companies, private equity firms.

Economic and financial data analysts

Economic and financial data analysts are experts in the study and analysis of data connected to risk management and investment strategies. They have the methodological knowledge to develop and implement statistical, data mining and econometric models, as well as machine learning techniques, for the analysis and prediction of financial and insurance risks. They are also skilled in mathematical and statistical softwares for data management and algorithm development.


Employers include:
Companies in the fintech and data analytics sectors, banks, insurance companies, financial intermediaries, consulting companies, private equity firms, research centers.