Year: 2
Semester: 1
Lecturer: Prof. Francesca Maggioni
Hours: 48
The course aims to provide the student the quantitative tools for evaluation and modelling the intertemporal risk in finance and insurance.
Techniques for modelling multi-period investment problems such as dynamic programming and multistage stochastic programming will be introduced.
A special focus will be devoted to Economic Scenario Generator (ESG) to generate coherent and market consistent scenarios for various asset classes. Efficient scenario generation methods including quasi-Monte Carlo, moment matching, K-means will also be presented and applied to Asset Liability Management (ALM) and Pension Funds Management (PFM). An emphasis on the subject of the Individual Retirement Pension will be given.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
The course will discuss and present the methods and techniques that are relevant for evaluation and modelling the intertemporal risk in finance and insurance.
Specifically, the course will cover the following topics:
The course consists of traditional theoretical lectures and practical lab sessions (using AMPL and MATLAB software). The emphasis will be on implementing the models using AMPL and scenario generation using MATLAB software. Both traditional lectures and practical sessions aim at fostering participation and class discussion.
The exam consists of two parts: